How to Get Rid of Coyotes

Coyotes are canines that on average will weigh 35 to 50 pounds as adults. They are usually loners, but even alone they can be a danger to livestock and common household pets. These animals represent easy prey to the coyote and as such they will become a favorite meal if they are allowed to get close enough. They are not usually considered pests; in fact they are necessary to keep other animals that are potential pests under control. They eat rodents, rabbits, and other animals that will destroy a lawn or garden. The problem comes when their numbers increase a lot. When there are more coyotes than the food that is available to them, then they will start getting closer to livestock or people’s homes looking for an easy meal. A coyote that is hungry can get bold and not avoid humans as they usually would.

Catching A Coyote
Catching a coyote should not be tried by someone without experience. They are wild and can have diseases like rabies and that can be lethal to a human if not treated in time. Many states also have laws against hunting coyotes so before you try to get rid of the coyote yourself you should try to find out what the law is regarding coyotes in your area. They are usually not very easy to catch because they will in most cases avoid places where humans are. They are fast and if they feel cornered they will not hesitate to do anything in their power to get away. The best thing you can do is to call a wildlife management company or agency. They will be able to assist you better if you do have a coyote problem. Remember these animals get scared easily so scaring them away is a choice, but if they see your property as a good source of food they will come back.

You may be wondering how a coyote is going over your fence. They are not the best jumpers, but they are surprisingly great climbers, so one way they may be getting in is by just climbing your fence. Things that can help keep out a coyote is an outwards inclination on your fence. That makes it a lot more difficult for the coyote to climb and get over. Also check for other entrances that the coyote may have. Coyotes are not only climbers, they are natural diggers and if they are determined they will not hesitate to get dirty to get to your livestock. To prevent the digging get an underground fence. The underground fence is most effective if it is about a foot deep but some recommend an 8 inch underground fence as sufficient.

The best way to keep coyotes away is prevention. They will come to your property for food, so the best way to keep them out is to take away the food source. Do not leave your trash out overnight. If you have any cats outside you may be better off not feeding them. A coyote loves to feed on cats and feeding them will also attract a coyote. Do not leave pet food outside, which is another source for easy food, and will keep the coyote coming back. If you already have a coyote in the area then you also want to make it hard for it to hide. Cut the grass in the property very short and they will be less likely to come close. If all else fails you may want to fight fire with fire. The coyote is not a big canine so getting a bigger canine as this will sometimes deter a coyote, but be aware it will endanger your pet.

Other coyote information:
Is a coyote that is active during the daytime sick or rabid?
How to keep coyotes away from your property
Are coyotes dangerous to humans?
Do coyotes make good pets?
What diseases do coyotes carry and what are some symptoms of a sick coyote?
How to trap coyotes
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Where do coyotes live? Do more coyotes live in urban areas or wild areas?
Identifying coyote tracks
Are coyotes dangerous to cats, dogs, or other pets?