How to get free raccoon removal

If you want to get free raccoon removal, you should contact the county or city animal control company so that they can talk to you about where you can get free animal removal service. However, if you do not get free service, you will have to call a private company. Municipal offices provide limited removal services, and it may handle domestic animals only.

In some cases, the local animal control agency may offer free traps that you can use. You should pick up the trap and relocate the raccoon after catching it. Most of the time, they are not going to send the agents to remove or catch wild animals. Dangerous and loose dogs are the exception. An agency may also provide the service of catching the animals if they are diseased since rabies is something that causes many health problems. If you want to find an affordable animal removal service, you should spend some time calling local companies and asking them about the charges. Some may charge according to the animals caught, so if you are not careful, you may end up paying more for multiple catches. Decide if the company can do a thorough inspection or if they can only remove the major problem you are facing. You should find the company that specializes in the kind of animals you want to trap.

Remember that raccoons have ways to protect themselves against harmful eviction. You should try to stop them from entering into your space in the first place. When they are already inside the house, it can be difficult to remove them since they will be under your porch, in your walls or in your roof. Pest control firms do follow provincial law that protects the wildlife like skunks, squirrels and raccoons. This is even when they are causing havoc. The law of some states says that you should not relocate them to a place which is over a kilometer from the place you trapped them.

You should place a one-way door at the animal’s entry point and catch them if they are going out or trying to coming back in. If you are waiting to relocate it, you should offer it water and food while it is in the cage.

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