How you can keep away the iguanas

Most people in the cold regions will not be having iguana problems most of the time. However, people who live in the areas where the number of iguanas is high should learn the ways to keep them away.

Why you should keep iguanas away

Iguanas are known as pesky reptiles, and they may damage vegetables and other plants if they are not kept in check. Someone who is concerned about damage has to learn about the methods of getting rid of the iguanas and how he can keep these iguanas far from his home.

What damages are caused by iguanas

The iguana is a type of a lizard, and it will eat plants and other things that it may find around like strawberries, berry fruits, tomatoes, flowering shrubs and hibiscus. It can also make a burrow so that it may live in it. This can damage landscaping in the garden or the walkways. Iguanas leave a considerable amount of feces where they live, and this will be unsightly and smelly, besides being a health hazard since they contain diseases such as salmonella.

Get the iguanas’ predators

If iguanas live on your property or in your garden, you have to encourage the predators to also come to live in the areas. The predators are owls, hawks and crows which eat the small iguanas. If they show up, the iguanas will decide to leave your place. When there is a pet dog at your place, it may also scare or chase away the iguanas when they bark at them. But larger iguanas can harm your pets, so it is good to be careful if your dog is a smaller size. If there are row fences within the garden, it is enough to keep iguanas away. You may also try to trap or snare the iguanas or sometimes you can decide to take them to other places.

Prevention is better

The best way to make sure that you have no iguana problems is to ensure that they do not come to your areas first. You have to change the environment of the area so that the iguanas cannot live there. You have to make sure that there are no fresh fruits, vegetables or food scraps outside at night. You should remove areas which can hide iguanas such as brush or low growth plants. You may also get rid of any access to warm places in your property.

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