Do snakes pose a danger to pets?

Pets are still animals, and as such they do have some hunting instincts that can guide them at times. They may also do some things out of sheer curiosity. From time to time, the pet can come into contact with wild animals and one of them is the snake. This happens mostly in areas where there are many snakes. Being near lakes and beaches also makes it more likely for a pet to come face to face with a snake.

There are all sorts of snakes and they come with different colors and patterns, so you may not be able to identify them correctly. If you need to have them removed, calling a professional can help considerably.

During the cold season, snakes aren’t too common because they go into hibernation and are less active. This means that if a pet is to get bitten by a snake, it most likely will happen during the summer.

What one can do

We have already established that snakes are rather dangerous to your pets, so one needs to be cautious. They can inflict bites on pets rather easily, so you need to act very fast to ensure nothing happens to the pet. There are venomous snakes that can cause some fatal bites. If your pet gets bitten, make it stay calm and then take it to the vet as soon as possible. The sooner it gets treated, the higher the chances of healing.

Areas where pets can get bites

In most cases, the pets can get bites in the head and limb areas. If the bite is very close to the heart, venom gets into the whole body much faster than other areas. As the hibernation period ends and the snakes come out, you should know that the venom glands are actually fuller than normal, so bites will definitely be more severe.

Signs of affliction

If your pet gets a bite, then it will become weak suddenly and it may actually collapse. The muscles may twitch and the pupils dilate. Paralysis and blood in urine can also be noticed.

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